WHO Presents the MeDevIS ePlatform
On July 21st, 2021, WHO officials presented a webinar about the MeDevIS ePlatform. You can find the complete agenda and presenters below:
IV ICEHTMC Going Virtual!
Important information about our 2021 International Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Management Congress by Tom Judd (IFMBE CED), Yadin David (GCEA), and Robert Robert Burroughs (AAMI).
Interviewing the GCEA Founders Council
In early 2021, our team decided to interview the GCEA's Founders Council (FC) to respond frequent questions about this organization and its vision about International Clinical Engineering. In this...
Use of Unfamiliar Donated Equipment
"As the Covid-19 tragedy unfolds in India, an IPEM clinical engineer is helping to explain to colleagues there how to use unfamiliar donated equipment.