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CMBEC45 Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues, The Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC) is the annual conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society (CMBES). This is the premier event for biomedical engineering professionals in Canada, and the 45th CMBEC will be held at the Pinnacle Hotel in Vancouver, BC on May 16-18, 2023.

We welcome your submissions of short (2-4 page) papers or 1-page abstracts on a broad range of topics related to biomedical engineering. Two paper competitions, one for Outstanding Research and the other for Student Papers, will be held to recognize the authors of the highest-ranked papers with cash prizes.

The deadline for submissions is February 1st, 2023. Please link to the official Call for Papers for full details and an active link to the PKP online paper management system. (An image of the Call for Papers is also displayed below.)

We look forward to receiving your submissions.

Best regards,
Roger Tam,
Associate Professor, University of British Columbia
Academic Chair, CMBEC45

Brendan Gribbons,
Director, Lower Mainland Biomedical Engineering
Conference Chair, CMBEC45




Global Clinical Engineering Alliance
Global Clinical Engineering Alliance


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